• Clothing Closet: Working with clothing distribution, folding and care of the clothes, securing donations. Distribution 5:30 to 6:30 Wednesdays

  • Wednesday Night Dinner for the Hungry and or Homeless: Servers and kitchen help needed between 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm on Wednesdays
  • ​​Helping with food distribution in our Food Bank: Fridays 11 AM to 1 PM
  • Sound and Media: Do you have computer skills or experience with sound and media? Or are you interested in learning? We have many opportunities for working in this area during service and special events.

  • Ushers: Ushering at church services. Training provided 
  • Greeters: Greeting congregants and first time guests at the doors at services
  • ​Welcome Center Host/Hostess: assisting at the welcome center on Sundays
  • ​​Office Assistants: Our office assistants are known as “office angels” they help out with a variety of weekly tasks in the church office Tuesday through Fridays from 11 AM to 5 PM

We have several places where you can give of your time and talent.

Here are just a few:

Contact Rev. Dr. T. Paul Graetz

Email: revtpaul@aol.com


Let us know of your availability, interests and talents and we can plug you in.